- MATERIALS: Gold-plated 24K / Recycled Brass mixed with silver recycledcedar wood.
- ARTISANSINVOLVED IN THE PROCESS: (3) Luis, Miguel Angel & Karim
- PRODUCTION TIME: Completely handmade the process can take 10 days.
-The Process-
They are made with recycled cedar wood, collected from the large wood shopsin Medellin, where we buy the small remnants, avoiding tons of waste which allow us to make our contribution to a more conscious production.
Each piece is carved around and by hand by Luis, an expert in wood carving, in his workshop. First, the wood must go through a removal process to prevent the final product from deforming, that is why it is left to dry between 3 and 4 days, and then goes on to carving. Each pair of earrings takes a full day to be carved in detail and is finally finished with a special material to protect the piece. This work is done with liquid porcelain and is made by Luis, an expert in wood carving. The art of applying porcelain tile well is quite complex, because if itis applied incorrectly, brushstrokes or patches would appear damaging all the previous work done. Then Luis goes on to make the holes to put the rings that finally allow the grip to the gold piece (Studs).
The union between artisans and jewelers alwayspassses trouh a curation process by ourproduction leaders, both in Medellin and Cali, for quality control. The sample process and final approval of the chosen figure was approximately 8 months.